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Computer always restarts, what happens?

This problem is not so common, but many people have encountered this before. What make the computer restart itself?
We can check against the following to locate the reason.


– Power Supply

Computer need a stable power supply. It’s always better to only plug the computer into socket. Do not share the socket with other applicances.

– Ensure they are well plugged

It’s not only the socket on the wall, but also any adaptors used. You may need to check other related applicances, like printer.
One more point is to keep them clean and clear from dust.


– Virus

You can get the latest version of anti-virus and perform a check.

– System files corrupted

In Windows, there are many system files to support the operating system. If they are corrupted or lost, the system will become unstable.
You can use the Windows install disk to perform repair or re-install.

– Scheduled Task

In Windows, you can setup schedule task and run the job periodically. If your computer restarts in pattern, this may be the reason.

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2 Responses to “Computer always restarts, what happens?”

  1. Mafalda Okoro

    nice website and great information..thanks for the tips

  2. printer not printing Baltimore

    Thank you so very much for making this available.