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16 Pages That Your Online Business Website Should Have

To run an online business, you need to build a website to show your product and accept orders.
Besides your product page or shopping cart, you need some other pages to make your website complete and rigid.

It is important for you to create a plan and list out all the pages that will be included in your website. From the list, you can group or category the page and prepare the page content one by one.

Here’re the 16 pages that commonly find in a online business website.

1. Home Page (First Page)

2. About Us

3. Products / Services Page

4. Pricing / Ordering Page

5. Guarantee

6. Testimonials / Product Reviews

7. Events Calendar

8. News / Newsletter / Articles

9. Search Feature

10. Frequently Asked Questions

11. Contact Us

12. Enquiry Form

13. Return/Refund Policy

14. Privacy Policy

15. Copyright Information

16. Site Map

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One Response to “16 Pages That Your Online Business Website Should Have”

  1. Sanford Wanous

    Good read, I really enjoyed reading it. Ta muchly for adding this, it’ll be very useful in the future for me!