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Words Usage in Google Adwords

Different wordings may have different impact to your google adwords. Some wordings may help to improve your click-throught rate a lot.
Some wordings may only bring you non-targeted traffic. You should carefully review your adwords and pick the correct words.

“Today”, “Now”

Search engine users are looking for some update, quick and ready information. You should put some timely keywords into your adwords.
“Today” and “Now” are good choice for the timely keywords.

“Recommend”, “Suggest”

Creat trust is important for search engine users. If possible, you should add those testimonials or recommendation in the adwords.


Download means the user can get the information fast and instant. This can increase the incentive of user to click on your ad.

“How to”

Everyone knows “How to” is always a good way to present the information. Use “How to” can easily catch the eye of the search engine users.
If the “How to” matches the users look for, they must click into and look for the solutions.

“One Steps”, “Two Steps”, “Three Steps”

People like “step by step” procedure. Mentions “One step”, “Two step” or “Three step” in your ad can give user an impression that the information provided is simple and easy to follow.


Don’t use the word “Free” if you’re not provided free stuff.

Remove Common Words

Adwords Space is limited. Remove common words like a, an, in, on, of.

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5 Responses to “Words Usage in Google Adwords”

  1. Ted Frank from Oregon

    I try the mentioned words in my adwords.
    “One Steps”, “Two Steps”, “Three Steps”.
    This one is really works for me. My conversion improves a lot.

    Second best is “How to”!!

  2. Evinco Editor

    Yes. Different products need different wordings to trigger.
    It is important to make different tests against those wordings and find out the best one.

  3. Alan Mitchell

    I agree that words such as “how to”, “free” and “three steps” could help increase CTR. However, a high CTR is only one part of the picture – it is often important to also take conversion rates or other engagement metrics into consideration. If users immediately bounce because their expectations were poorly managed in the ad copy, the result will be a high CTR with high costs and few conversions.

  4. Kerala Honeymoon

    U wrote article in simple manner, appreciable work.

  5. Siobhan from DragonSearch

    We definitely like to incorporate these words in our ad copy here at DragonSearch and I must agree with Kerala, this article was nice and simple!
