Google Adwords is an easy to use pay-per-click advertisement. You can build and show your advertisement in Search Engine within 30 minutes. As the simplicity and ease of use, many people simply fillin their advertisements and want to get profit from it. But, in fact, many people cannot achieve great profit from and some even get loss on it. It is because they made some common mistakes.
1. Use Home Page as Landing Page
Many Google ads simply send the visitors to untargeted home page. It is useless to visitors as they cannot get their information immediately. There are so many link and information in company homepage, visitors don’t have time to scan them one by one. Don’t expect they will navigate through the site to find what they’re looking for. Instead of sending visitors to home page, send them to the product page directly.
2. Long List of Poorly Targeted or Common Keywords
When creating new campaigns and ad groups, many people begin by entering every keyword they can think of. You are looking for targeted customers. You should have a list of targeted keywords which fit your business niche and categories.
3. Lack of Keywords in your Ad Text
Besides adding keyword into Ad title, you should add keyword into the ad text also. This not only increase the relevancy between the keyword and your ad, but also attract the visitor’s attention. When visitors read your ad, they know it is related to what they are looking for.
4. Creating Single Ad Groups
Don’t put every ads into a single ad groups. In Adwords, you can create multiple ad groups for different targeted ad. You should make use of it and separate different targeted ad into different groups. With a well-organized ad group structure, you can easily trace the performance of your ad and make necessary changes accordingly.
5. Don’t use Negative Keywords
The negative keyword option is a great tool. It allows you to specify the keywords for which you don’t want the ads to appear. Google adwords allows you to add negative keywords. Your ads will not show in seach query that containing negative keywords. You can stay away from those non-targeted traffic.

This is a good reminder for adwords new comer and those adwords account that only pour money in without any monitoring.