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Tweaker for Outlook Express allows you to apply a variety of tweaks to Outlook Express

Tweaker for Outlook Express is a freeware product. It let you customize the appearance and improve usability. You can disabled the splash screen, set a default path for attachments, change the address book location, customize the window title and animated icon, disable Hotmail, change the reply indent character and more. The tweaks are easily applied and can be undone just as easily by using the option to restore the default settings

Tweaker for Outlook Express allows you to:

– turn off the Outlook Express splash screen.

– change the path where message attachments are stores.

– change the path where Address Book is stored.

– change the Outlook Express start page location.

– use smooth message scrolling.

– hide the Accounts Settings dialog from menu

– block executable attachments to protect you from the viruses.

– hide or show the attached images at the bottom of the message.

– change the Windows title for the dialogs of Outlook Express.

– change the small animation logos in Outlook Express and Internet Explorer.

– change the indent character from ” -> ” to other when you reply the message.

– change the database location for messages and news.

This freeware can be downloaded from


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