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Five Writing Tips for a Good Web Page

Prioritise Information First you should place important information at the top of the page. You should state your main points clearly at the very beginning. Don’t start your web page with a long paragraph. You have only few seconds to attract your visitor keep reading your page. Long paragraph will anony your visitors and they may visit other pages instead. … Read more

Your web page is a artistic graphic

Want to convert your web page into a artistic graphic? Yes, you can. The HTML source code in a web page is a tree-structure, and every HTML tag have different attributes and information. Just expand this HTML tag, and use different color to represent different attribute. You can then see a nice graphic. blue: for links (the A tag) red: … Read more

Compare Search Result in Yahoo & Google

This is a interesting website. You can make a search and compare the result found in Google and Yahoo. http://www.langreiter.com/exec/yahoo-vs-google.html You only need to fill in the search term and click the button. It will perform search on two search engines. The result shown in a graphical representation. It shows the top 100 search result from both search engines. The … Read more

Nine Issues to Consider Before Building Your Website

#1 What is your objective in building website? 1. As a adverstisement for your business 2. Sell products and services 3. Boarden the market of your business #2 What scale your website will be? 1. Just need a website. 2. Start from small, and build up gradually 3. Complicated 4. Huge and complicated. #3 Do you need a domain name? … Read more

Web Sites that help you doing business in China: (3) Business Guide

To do business in China, you need to know their law, culture and working style first before getting in. You may find following website useful in these area. HSBC webpage In this HSBS webpage, it covers different topics in doing business in China. It talks about how to setup different type of business entities in China. It also has a … Read more

Web Sites that help you doing business in China: (2) Business Directories

To do business in China, you need to work with some business partners. You can locate your buyers/suppliers thought the business directories. If you just send emails to ask for co-operation, you may suffer with Spam. You need to find reliable partners to work with and get rid of those fake partners. Here we list some famous business directories/portal, which … Read more

Web Sites that help you doing business in China: (1) Search engine list

In this series of articles, we will talk about different web sites that are useful when doing business in China. We will also introduce different tools to facilitate your business. According to latest research made in fourth quarter 2005, there are over 100 million Internet users in China. (China rank second just after U.S.) However, it just covers 7.9% of … Read more

Tips to generate traffic, increase visibility, and let the world know your website

Many clients talk to us and ask about “how to increase website traffic”. They said they have get the website ready, optimize and get it listed in the search engine. But the traffic of their website is still very low. There are different techniques to advertise your product or your website and drive tons of qualified traffic. Here are some … Read more