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How to import Email Address?

  1. Click the "Address Book" icon to launch the Address Book window.
    address book of robomail

  2. Highlighted the group you would like to import to and click "Import Contact" icon to import.
    select group in address book

  3. The "Import" window will be launched.

  4. import dialog of email address
    Click "Browse" button to locate your import file.

  5. The import file should followed the specific format.
    Three file formats are supported: xls, csv and txt.
    • XLS format:
      You can click the blue line in the dialog to download "Sample Import File".

    • CSV format:

      "Salutation","Firstname","Middlename","Lastname","Job Title","Organization","Phone","Fax","Email","Website","Address Line1","Address Line2","City","Province","Country","Extra1","Extra2","Extra3","Extra4","Extra5","Extra6","Extra7","Extra8","Extra9","Extra10"
      "Mr. ","Peter","L","Lee","Manager","ABC Company","1234567","1234568","[email protected]","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
      "Ms.","Mary","C","Smith","Sales Executive","DEF Company","2345678","2345679","[email protected]","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""

    • Txt format:
      If you solely input the email address with no other information, you can prepare your email list in a text file. List your email address in the text file and separated by comma, semi-colon, space or new line.